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The strategic partnership De-Sign Bilingual brings together four universities and five schools from Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Slovakia. It aims at raising the scope and quality of bimodal bilingual school education of pupils with hearing impairments.

Universität Wien (A)
Project management: Dr. Verena Krausneker

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave (SK)
Prof. Dr. Darina Tarcsiová

Interkantonale Hochschule für
Heilpädagogik Zürich
Dr. Mireille Audeoud

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (D)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker

Ernst-Adolf-Eschke-Schule, Berlin (D)

Elbschule - Bildungszentrum Hören und
, Hamburg (D)

SekDrei, Zürich (CH)

Brigittenauer Gymnasium
, Wien (A)

Volksschule 1, Klagenfurt (A)

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The involved teachers have developed bimodal bilingual teaching concepts and materials (mainly in German) which are available online free of charge. Of said material, the Bi-bi Toolbox is available in English: teach-designbilingual.univie.ac.at.

The researchers have documented the current status of bimodal bilingual education in Europe by means of an experts’ questionnaire as well as thorough analysis of official documents. They created an interactive map on bimodal bilingual school education in 39 European countries: map-designbilingual.univie.ac.at.

Eight good practice examples of bimodal bilingual education in Europe were analysed. Download: List of publications.

Public closing conference Creating „Creating Bimodal Bilingual Good Practice in Schools in Europe“ on 16 September 2016 at University of Vienna.

Dissemination 2015 - 2020: Download: List of publications and other activities.

Download the Main Findings of De-Sign Bilingual.
Video: Main Findings in IS.

Download the Call to Action on Policy Makers.
Video: Call to Action in IS.

Project duration: 11/2014–10/2016


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Universität Wien

Dr. Verena Krausneker
(Project coordination and -management)

verena.krausneker AT univie.ac.at

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